Andrea Bocelli Saved The Day
What a day!
Today I awoke with the full intent to carry on my day starting with my morning routine. You know the one. I wrote it here some time ago.
Well, it was going just fine, woke up around 4, prayed, did some breath exercises, read a chapter of a new book I just started (will let you know the title when I'm done, but hint: it's a classic), then wanted to start writing for you, but didn't know what to write, so I thought I should write for me, but even then I had nothing but two scanty paragraphs, which is nothing compared to the minimum 1k word I planned to be writing every day from today, I guess we'll start that tomorrow now.
Well in my attempt to write more, I slept off. Now I had set my alarm to ring after 2 hours, the time I was supposed to use in writing, and I had forgotten to pause or stop it completely, so 2 hours after I slept off, it started beeping. I woke up and turned it off and wanted to go back to sleep some more, but at the time, it was past 8 already, and I had planned to be somewhere by 9 already. I knew I wasn't going to make it, but I had to get up regardless.
For some reason, the excitement with which I woke up with initially had disappeared. I felt…grumpy, don't know why, but that was how I felt and I didn't like it.
So I thought "Hey, let's play some music" and the only person I wanted, I craved to listen to was Andrea Bocelli.
For those of you who don't know this, Andrea Bocelli is an Italian pop, classic and opera singer.
I got to know about him only a few years ago from my sister, most artists I know are from her recommendation.
In her recommendation letter, one of the things she said that really stuck, tho she didn't have to say much, was a reference to a Celine Dione interview where she said "If God were to have a voice, it would sound like Andrea Bocelli's".
A harmless compliment, right?
Please tell me you think so too, but if you don't, you should be friends with Joe.
Disclaimer: I'm yet to meet a Joe in my life, but for context, meet Joe.
Joe used to be a friend, from my 1st and 2nd years at the University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria.
But we fell off and just became acquaintances.
"Why? Because of Andrea Bocelli?"
Yes, sort of.
So I fell in love with Andrea the very moment I heard him sing, you need to hear him too, and in my excitement, I thought my friend, Joe should be blessed with the knowledge of such a person, just as I think you should too.
I told Joe about Andrea and like my sister, referred to Celine Dione's appraisal of him.
But poor Joe probably didn't understand when people speak figuratively, I mean Celine Dione saying that is same as anyone saying "He/She/They, have a heart as big as a whale".
Come on!!!? No one's heart is that big…literally, but figuratively, we know what it means, and if you don't, it simply means that he/she/they are sweet, loving or kind.
So when Celine Dione said what she said about Andrea Bocelli, it simply meant he had a powerful voice, which is absolutely true.
But like I said, Joe didn't understand this, despite my attempt to make him. He thought it was disrespectful to compare anyone with God.
Hello??? Is it just me that feels like that wasn't what she did?
Anyway, that became the day he saw me to be judgemental (honestly, I don't know how) and I saw him to be a fanatic.
Fast forward to this morning, Andrea Bocelli's voice is still powerful, I only have 3 songs of his downloaded on my phone, but because it was his voice and his voice alone that I craved, I did something that I don't do.
I've had the app Youtube Music for over a year, and barely to never use it, but today, left with 200 MB, I said f^^k it and played Andrea Bocelli until 11 a.m. when I was ready to go out.
Of course, I wasn't grumpy anymore.
Sure, any music, by any artist, could have snapped me out of it, but today, Andrea Bocelli saved the day.
Did you know of Andrea Bocelli before now?
What are some of your favorite songs of his?
Will you be listening to him?
And do you think Celine Dione's complement was too extreme?
Let me know your thoughts in the comments.
While you're at it, be a darl and buy me a coffee.