4 min readAug 16, 2022


The only way you can be consistent is by having a plan, a sort of blueprint, and to see results from your steady grinding in the gym you need to stay consistent.

You ever wondered why fitness coaches go about how they can create a workout plan just for you, and go about to ask you about what you expect from working out, your current weight, and your age sometimes?

Well, they need all this information to create that perfect workout plan for you, and if you work with it, it's assured you’ll see results.

But we don’t have a fitness coach, what do we do?

I’ve got us covered. In this article, I have written a simplified guide to help you create your own workout plan that will be just as efficient as one a fitness coach would give.


A workout plan is pretty much a list of routine exercises you’ll be doing, how long you’ll be doing them, and when to rest from them. A few things are considered while making a workout plan, to ensure its effectiveness. If a workout plan is created without these factors, there is an 80% chance of you looking at the mirror 4 months later and still where the result is.

4 months?

Yes. Remember how in our article ‘Beginner’s Guide To Exercising’ ( https://link.medium.com/jTHhq00nxsb ) we had said exercising requires patience and getting the results is a gradual process? I mean, by the second month with a good workout plan and consistency, you should begin to see some development, 4 months is basically a maximum.

Ok, so what are these things that MUST be considered while making a workout plan? Let’s get down to them.


Your workout plan should be based on:

Your goal

A fixed time

Types of exercises


People exercises for different reasons, some to lose weight, and others to keep fit. You have to decide what your reason for exercising is and work to achieve it, because if your goal is to lose weight, then your exercises will definitely differ from a person whose goal is to keep fit. If your goal is to keep fit, you could spend 3 out of 5 in the gym doing focus exercises, but that plan will not work for a person whose goal is to lose weight.


We have seen people either returning or going to the gym both in the mornings and evenings. There is always a conflict on what time is best for exercising, and for some reason, certain people feel you burn fat better when you workout in the morning than in the evenings. I don’t think so. Matter of fact, the best time to exercise is the time you have chosen. Check your schedule, what time favors you? That’s the time you should workout and stick to it.

As much as you have to pick a time to workout, you also need to fix a time for rest. A lot of people underestimate the importance of this. I get, you want to lose weight real quick, but give your body a breather sometimes. Out of 7 days, pick the days you workout, and for the rest, dedicate it to allowing your body to recover from your grinding.


The types of exercises you should include in your workout plan are determined by what goal you have for exercising. However, regardless of what your goal may be there are 3 different types of exercise that every workout plan should have:

Aerobic exercises: these are basically cardio. Exercises that increase your heart rate and breathing faster than other types of exercises, such as swimming, running, dancing, and jogging.

Strength conditioning exercises: these are exercises that target major muscles of the body like your arms, chest, back, stomach, hips, and leg muscles. For instance, squats are considered a hip exercise, pushups a chest exercise, sit-ups a stomach exercise, lunges a leg exercise, and glute bridge a back exercise. Although when you look at it, there is more than one major muscle some of these exercises target.

Stretches: well, the 3 main benefits of exercising are endurance, strength, and flexibility. You’ll get these benefits by doing any of these 3 types of exercises, but stretches focuses on improving your flexibility, and it aids relaxation also. Some stretches you may want to add to your workout plan are child pose, knee to chest, and cat-cow.

With these in mind, a typical workout plan may look like this:

Goal: to lose weight

Timing: mornings 5/7 days

Exercises: jogging, pushups, glute bridges, squats, sit-ups, lunges, knee to chest, and child pose

And there you have it, you just created a personalized workout plan.

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Written by C_is_a_writer

I write randomly, to relieve myself as a writer. You'll find my writings interesting, I promise! Implore my services by 📦 catherinepatrick51@gmail.com

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