Don’t Be Like The Flying Termites
One of the happiest moments for me as a kid was nights after rainfall.
With the fluorescent bulbs outside turned on, a pack of flying termites come to warm their wings.
But they don't find solace in the light, at least not long after they arrive.
Mom would get a big bowl of water, and keep it on the ground as we hunt for them with waving hands, as though trying to catch the wind.
Any one that meets the beat of our wave most likely falls into the bowl of water.
Once they're there, they become too weak to fly.
Next thing, they become meat or snacks, depending on your preference.
Now, in the termite world, the 'Alates' are the only ones opportuned to have wings.
This is probably not scientifically correct, but based on observation, I think it's safe to say that in desperate times, such as in extremely cold weather, flying termites become in need of any form of heat, so much that they don't care if they leave home far into human land where they know they'll be hunted, just for any ray of light.
Most times, it is so with humans.
You've heard the phrase "desperate moments, call for desperate measures".
I think it’ll be safer to rewrite that as "In desperate times, keep calm and think"
Of course that doesn't sing well as the first one, but it is saner.
When we're desperate, we most likely don't weigh our options properly, we don't think clearly, and we only mostly consider what could be or what we hope will be the upside of our decisions and not the other side of the coin.
Sure, there are those highly blessed to think fast and think straight.
But if you're not, and you know each time you make a fast decision, you soon end up regretting it…
Please don't be like the flying termites.
Regardless of the heat, or the pressure you think you're on, try to take deep breaths, calm yourself, then think.
Hell, if you need to write down your thoughts, do so.
Cos here's the thing with regret;
It's not just an after-effect of a supposed wrong decision.
It is that, and also a friend to the many consequences that will follow after you've made that decision.
Consequences you didn't consider, or you probably did, but waved it off.
Now, I'm not saying you can be too careful in life and never fall in a ditch, no.
What I'm saying is, if you know yourself and know desperate times are your worst decision-making moments, then stay clear from making any decisions until you've brought yourself to some level of calmness.
Cos while you might escape the extreme cold, there might be a big bowl of water waiting for you.
Keep calm and think.
Don't be like the flying termites.