“I Don’t Want To Own A Blog Because It Could Take Ages to Rank On Google”
Literally, that was what this dude I met a day ago said when I was trying to convince him to get his own blog.
So he has a client that pays him to write articles on various niches and post directly on his (the client's) blog, but he felt it would be a good idea if he owns his blog.
Not a bad idea. I mean, I wrote about the importance of owning a blog as a writer (https://link.medium.com/nrqoD0z6xyb), so naturally, I encouraged it.
This dude had several reasons why he thinks he shouldn’t own a blog, at least not yet. The two that struck me however were:
- His impatience to rank on a search engine result page (SERP)
- Lack of finance to get a full site
In one of my previous articles, I addressed problem no. 2, so we won’t be talking about that again.
Problem no. 1 on the other hand is something most newbie writers are faced with. You learn a few things about SEO and next up, you want to start ranking.
Don’t get me wrong, it is a great dream, I mean, what’s the point of learning SEO if you never rank?
But here’s what you need to know, like most things in life, SEO requires patience. I once read an article, and the writer said something along the lines of “don’t go checking if an article you recently published is ranking on google because even with every SEO factor on point, it could take 6 months before you rank”.
As discouraging as that may be, you shouldn’t let that be the reason you don’t own a blog.
Your blog posts can serve as a portfolio for potential clients, especially one who relates to your chosen niche.
Or say you’re like me here on Medium, writing randomly, if your client likes diverse writers, all you need is to send them a link to your site and you’ve got a 60% chance of getting the job.
Plus, your blog is your practice ground. You get better each time you click the publish bar.
Then again, it doesn’t have to take ages to get you ranking on a SERP. Look out for my next post:
Tricks On Ranking On SERP
In the meantime, focus on writing and getting good at it. Learn all there is to learn about writing and SEO. The only way to become great is by learning, and once you’re great, there’s no way you can’t be ranking.
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