I told a lie I swore would never flop
I thought the truth would hurt, thought I was saving you, thought I was saving...me
Not yet, my cupboard remains locked.
But when the hinges do come off, would you hate me?
I play the scene in my head, and the image before me isn't one that hates, but one disappointed
And I'm broken by it.
I swore I'd never hurt you again, but even that oath I couldn't keep
"I love you" my words to you every day, but my actions, they doth betray me.
Pardon, I seek thy mercy, for even in my pool of lies I feel I'm drowning
Scorned by my perceived perception of what the truth would make of me, an awful dread I battle to avoid.
With lies?
Sadly, with lies. With that language the creator doth detest... which you detest, I made my only resolve.
Pardon, for my lack of wisdom made it at the time the best to do
Pardon, for I would never knowingly seek to hurt thee
Pardon! Pardon my foolishness.