Love Is Not Blind, You Are!
Not gon' lie, it's becoming difficult to find what to write about every day, but that's a petty challenge.
Today let's talk about love from both (biological) genders.
I hate to talk about things I don't know, but turns out, I'm quite the expert in doing that.
Love, for instance, has been simplified for us religiously.
Love is kind, love is generous, it's understanding, does not envy and yada yada.
It's the most talked about emotion, yet the most difficult to comprehend.
Books have been written to help people navigate through love, to understand it and know how to act about it.
Science has discovered the chemical reactions that take place in the body when a human hears another human say "I love you", or when two lovers touch, kiss or have sex.
And yet, we still don't do it "right".
Years ago I was a firm believer that love isn't blind and people are just stupid.
I was talking from the sidelines, what do I know, I had never been in love.
But still, even now that I've had the feeling, I still stand by my beliefs.
Love is far from blind!
And yes, people are stupid.
People are like, "When in love you don't see the flaws of the other person" or "When in love you don't see any other person but your partner, and if that's not it for you, then you're not in love"
Shut up, please!
Unless you're literally and figuratively blind, love doesn't take away your ability to see when you're treated awfully or manipulated, don't get me wrong, there are expert manipulators out there, but here's the thing tho…
Every human is a manipulator.
That's why you smile at the person selling in the market when bargaining a price, it's why religion threaten you with condemnation both here and in hell if you don't act accordingly, that's why our parents bought gifts for us when we do something spectacular.
It's in the little things. Everyone is capable of manipulating, and it does take one to know the other.
But, because you think, or you weren't taught that in all things love is, love is logical too, you see the way they treat you and you let them brainwash you with one excuse or the other.
Now I understand that you may never really know the truth and possibly you make the worst assumptions (like me, sometimes), but that is why it is important not to make a person your focus in your life.
I heard some sisters speaking yesterday, and they were like "It's where your treasure is that your heart is and that's why a man will call a woman every day to know if she has eaten, because she's his treasure".
That's cute, and Im not in the least being sarcastic, it is cute.
But ( you knew it was coming), I wouldn't advise that you make a person's life your focus.
Because the first of the two important commandments that is so important it works for all people, religious or not is the commandment of humanity.
To love your neighbour as you would love yourself.
But people keep forgetting the last bit of that commandment.
You've got to love yourself first to know how to love your neighbour.
And I for instance, I love to have peace within, that's why I steadily say "When we get to that bridge, we'll cross it" cos I don't like to be bothered so much.
So if I fall in love with a person who makes me bother much, and it has happened, yo, I'm blocking you for a minute.
You know why?
Because I like to be in control of my thoughts.
Why hasn't he called? Because I blocked him. Why hasn't he texted? Oh, I blocked him.
That way, Im not thinking "Maybe he's out with another girl" or any of those lame thoughts that will keep me up at night.
Now, you're probably like "You could do that cos you didn't give it your all".
Maybe I didn't, but honey, that's what self-love is about. I got to love me enough to leave a part of me for me, then give to whoever the rest.
For God loves us so much he sent us his son, not himself. He left that part of him and gave us the rest. He who is love, loved like that, and you who is supposed to imitate him decide to give it your all…I don't know man.
Well, like I said, I hate to talk about things I know nothing about.
But, you can let me know your viewpoint, you know, enlighten me, in the comments.
Till next time…
Oh, be a darl, buy me a coffee, please.
Also, my sister’s book Back Home is now available to you, you can get it by clicking >> here.