What Happened In Church Today 2
Today was the first Sunday in July 2023, and as it’s the catholic church tradition, Mass is celebrated in Latin.
If you’re not Catholic but have listened to Mass said in Latin, then you know that that is easily one of Catholic’s proudest moments. The symphony of prayer dialogues between the priest and the church is probably the closest thing on earth that illustrates what Heaven might be like.
I’ve heard somewhere that prayer said in Latin is the strongest type of prayer (Pope’s Exorcist, the movie), I don’t know about strong, but I can tell you it’s the most beautiful type of prayer. It makes you feel like you’re in the days of the apostles, the early church.
However, these are all experiences that were lacking in church today.
Everything seemed like a bore to me.
The priest, whom I was not so happy to see, didn’t bother to lead the Mass in Latin but the choir sang mostly in Latin, regardless, in an “uncatchy” tone.
I could easily blame the priest or the choir for the boredom in church today, but I’d rather blame the weather, for if it had not rained earlier today, the church wouldn’t have been as scanty as it was and perhaps, we’d have had the traditional first Sunday of the month celebration of the Mass in Latin.
Thinking of it now, it was a wise decision of the priest to not celebrate the mass in Latin, for how many out of the scanty congregation where awake and knew how to respond in Latin?
It would have been disgraceful!
Anyway, we now have a Reverend and a Seminarian as part of our church, but only for a brief period, however, long enough for them to complete their apostolic work.
The reverend read the gospel and took the homily. Honestly, he wasn’t so bad, however, I felt he was tensed and so couldn’t deliver properly. He was also smart enough to make it a short homily, probably because he noticed the response from the church wasn’t exactly motivating.
Nevertheless, I did pick that to obey all of Gods ten commandments in the bible, we ought to love our neighbour’s as ourselves, and love God, cos love is the most important attribute of all the attributes to exist.
Cliché, but yeah… it is what it is.
The rest of the Mass proceeding was a bore, like I had said countless times.
In my desire for an occurrence or something, anything, upon arising from my kneels, after I had finished saying the prayers after receiving communion, my gaze drifted to the window by my left, where my eyes got hold of a moderately tall black man with full beards that concealed his jawlines down to his chin. He wore a dirty navy blue hoody that had a bold ‘NASA’ inscription on it and below the inscription was a drawing of a figure covered from head to toe in white, like the NASA dudes that go to space.
Something was disturbing about him, I couldn’t place it, and if he was dangerous, I knew there was nothing I could do from my seat, but I kept my eyes on him still. Watched him respond to a call on his phone, watched him peel something off his palms, and watched him just stand there in a creepy way, but I guess I later became the creepy one.
I just watched and ignored the announcement that was made about the coming of a new non-Nigerian priest that has assigned to shepherd our parish’s daughter church, somewhere in a more rural location than my church.
Apparently, the priest belongs to the SMA congregation of priests (simply put, missionary priests), and hence has no personal Chasuble, or a mass box, and since this church originated from us, it’s our responsibility to fund the provision of these equipment, a deal that will cost approximately 600k.
I don’t know what finally became of the man outside the church as my attention was quickly recovered back inside the church at the mention of that huge amount of money.
Anyway, all was finally said, the bands of marriage were read, luckily it was just one band, followed by other announcements, the Reverend and the seminarian were formally introduced to us and the priest gave the final blessing, descended from the altar and we dispersed.
That was what happened in church today. HAPPY SUNDAY!